Stahr Treasury Software Help Reporting - LIQUIDITY PLANS
Liquidity Planning is the primary key-objective of every Treasury department and it doesn’t matter how large a company is, every enteprise needs a professional liquidity reporting. Planning is the one, it can be just simple like   Account Beginning - Expenses + Earngings = Account End But this is never sufficient to cover the needs of a group, especially, if multiple currencies play a role. Hence, the key is how to report the cash flows. Depending whether you like to perform a report for a single Entity or Group, by single transaction currency or consolidated, you need to select the necessary parameter in this primary selection menu (see left). Select then the report of your desire in the frame “Report” and click on “Forecast” to get a a forecast report or “Act / Fcst” to get an actual / forecast comparison. Click then on the button “Next Step”. Forecast Reports Fields: [Transaction] Currency: The currency of the cash flows. Source is menu Standing Data ->  Currencies. If you selected in the previous step “Entity, Cons.” or “Group, Cons”, the  definition of this field changes from Transaction Currency to Consolidation Currency.  Mandatory, pre-entered content.  Actual: Every liquidity reports start with an actual value and monitor then future cash-flows  starting at this point. Hence, you need to select a valid actual-date.  Hint: only dates for which transactions have been entered as an actual cash-flow are  possible to be selected. That means, if there is a cash-flow for a specific entity in USD  available but no one in EUR, the reporting dates appear only if in the field currency above  USD is selected. For any other currency no date is available.  FCST [1 to 12]: Same like in the field Actual above, just with the difference that only dates  for previously entered Forecast-Transactions are possible to be selected.  You must select at least an actual-date and may add up to 12 forecast dates. Single Entity, transactions for a specific currency  This report show all transactions for the currency in which they have been entered. Note: this is not a re-calculation in a any reporting currency, it is  a report to monitor the cash-flow only in this single one currency. If you like to see cash-flows consolidated in a specific currency, read the next  article below.  The vertical segregation is the same as it has been entered in menu Transactions -> Liquidity Plan. That means, the report monitors cash-flows  segregated in operational-, investment-, interest-, financing- and other cash-flow. This allows the reader of the report to identify immediately at a  glance where how much cash has been collected or spend.  The horizontal gaps reflect in the first column the actual values as starting point, followed by a total column for all forecast gaps and then for each  gap the single values.  Single Entity, consolidated  The segregation is same like above, just with following differences:  All transactions are consolidated in the desired currency; The exchange rate of the consolidation is mentioned Group, all transactions for a specific currency  The group-report contains all entities and has the same reporting structure as mentioned above. The flag whether a company is internal or external  is made in menu Standing Data -> Companies -> Internal Flag. That means for this report, it monitors all existing transactions in a specific currency.  Note: this is not a re-calculation into any reporting currency, it is a report to monitor the cash-flow only in this single one currency. If you like to  see cash-flows consolidated in a specific currency, read the next article below. Group,consolidated (overall) This is the ultimate top-consolidation report all over the group. That means, all cash-flows for all currencies and all entities consolidated at the  desired exchange rate. If you like to know what your total predicted cash-flow situation over-all is, select this report. Also here, the structure is same  like above.   Actual / Forecast Comparison  Every Treasurer know this situation: the actual result of liquiquidity reporting is often quite far away from the result origininally forecasted. There is  only one instrument to analyse the reason of the differences: an actual vs. forecast comparison. This allows the Treasurer to monitor the specific  items of wrong forecasts. For instance, an entity may report all numbers quite correct, but has problems to predict interest items. The basic  difference is acknowledged just in the balance of the (bank)-account(s), but this does not allow to identify where the difference has happend.  Stahr Treasury Software (STS) has an Actual vs. Forecast comparison module included which allows the user to identify very exactly how much and  where differences occur.  By selecting the option Act/Fcst in the primary selection window (further details see on top of this site), a new window will open.   The basic principles are the same like for the forecast reports,  just with the difference that now the user may select up to 3 actual and 3 forecast gaps. All other  components, like selecting the kind of report, the company or the exchange rate is done in the  previous step, see above.  Single Entity, transactions for a specific currency  This report shows for all gaps each one actual and one forecast column. (Note: the date of the gap is based on the selected actual date). The first  Total-Block contains all actual values, all forecast values, the difference (Delta) of those two and the difference in % based on the forecast number.  Same as described in the forecast report above, this single entity transaction currency report shows all transactions in the currency previously  entered in menu Transactions -> Liquidity Plan  for the desired company only. If you like to see a report for all transactions consolidated, see below.  Single Entity, consolidated  The segregation is same like above, just with following differences:  All transactions are consolidated in the desired currency; The exchange rate of the consolidation is mentioned Group, all transactions for a specific currency  The group-report  contains all entities and  has the same reporting  structure as mentioned  above. The flag whether  a company is internal or  external is made in menu  Standing Data ->  Companies -> Internal  Flag. That means for this  report, it monitors all  existing transactions in a specific currency. Note: this is not a re-calculation into any reporting currency, it is a report to monitor the cash-flow only in this single one currency. If you like to see cash-flows consolidated in a specific currency, read the next article below.  Group, consolidated (overall) This is the ultimate top-consolidation report all over the group. That means, all cash-flows for all currencies and all entities consolidated at the  desired exchange rate. If you like to know what your total predicted cash-flow situation is over-all, select this report. Also here, the structure is same  like above.