Stahr Treasury Software Help Main Menu
The Main Menu appears automatically whenever the software is started. This menu has three main items  which are the top-menus for each sub-menu.  Components  1. Standing Data: all kind if information like Persons, Companies, Banks, Currencies etc. These entries  are mandatory to generate any transaction and in the following, the reports.  2. Transactions: all kind of transactions, e.g. Foreign Exchange Transactions, Loans etc.  3. Reports: the combined results of standing data and transactions are available in this section.  To leave the software, please click on “Close and Quit”. Every license, free trial or purchased license, has an expiry date according the terms you  agreed with Stahr GmbH. Short time before the license expires, a warning will appear on the top of the Main Menu. However, even the software is  blocked (temporarely, until the license is renewed), all previous data is still available. All informations are always the property of the license-buyer and  may be accessable at all times in the File “TreasuryTool_BE”.