Stahr Treasury Software Help Reporting - REPORTS WITH A PERIOD
Basically, there are three kind of possibilities for reporting: a) Reports for specific items, e.g.  loan agreement, fx-deal confirmation b) Reports with a specific reporting date, e.g. balance sheet c) Reports with contents within a defined period, account balances This menu is for reports c) with a start and an end date. Please select in the block “From Date” the starting date. The content of the report include this date and similar in the block “To Date” the end date of the desired report. You may enter the date directly in the format of your system (i.e. DD.MM.YY or in the US MM/DD/YY etc.) or you click on the calendar-icon right next of the date-field and choose a date in the calendar. Following reports are available in this menu: a) Loan Breakdown b) Export Loan Details for Accounting purpose c) A breakdown of all new loans in a period d) A breakdown of all fx-deals in a period e) Balances of external (bank)accounts for the selected period After having marked one of these possibilities, click on “Execute” and the desired report will appear. Loan Breakdown This is a comprehensive loan breakdown, intended to confirm all outstanding loans to the counterparty and inform about the current booking-items. A very helpful report to minimize the monthly reconciliation and to ensure that all bookings made correct. The reports shows for a defined period fixed, accrued and settled interest in local and group currency. The selection is over the borrowing party. Select the borrower by click on it. Afterwards the exchange rate need to be selected at which the several items are calculated. Source is menu Standing Data -> FX Rates. Then simply click on the button “Get Report” and the loan breakdown will be generated. Fields: 1. Reporting Period: This is the period previously selected, see above. 2. Lender: That’s the external or internal lending party  incl. full address. 3. Borrower: That’s the external or internal borrowing party incl. full address. 4. Currency, Exchange Rate: Currency of the loan and fx-rate previously selected, see above. 5. General Loan Details: Block with all general details of the loan. In case a borrower has several loans they will be monitored one after the other. 6. Interest Leg Block: a) Leg Start Date b) Leg Maturity Date c) Leg Interest Rate d) Interest fixed for the leg e) Interest accumulated for the specific leg. This number is calculated from reporting-start until the reporting-end or, if the maturity is before the reporting-end, until the maturity of the interest leg. f) The interest for the selected period. This number my perfectly used for periodical accounting accruals and can be also exported in menu “Export for Accounting”, see below. g) Interest which has been settled in cash or through any other balance sheet account. h) Interest unsettled shows the amount of interest due at the reporting end date. 7. Subtotal: The subtotals are calculated first in the currency of the loan and in the second line converted into the group’s functional currency, in this example it is EUR. For each loan a seperate subtotal will be monitored in both currencies. 8. Total interest items in [EUR]: The overall total for all loans (in this example only one) converted into the gorup’s functional currency at the exchange rate selected above. 9. Notice and Confirmation: The borrower shall check all details and send the confirmation duly signed back. This confirms to the Treasurer and the group accountant that all loans and interest details accepted and correct booked. Export for Accounting All loan- and interest details can be exported in a Excel File. This is a perfect interface to every accounting system and makes monthly bookings for accruals very efficient. Because every company has his own ERP and own chart of accounts, this interface will be designed individually by Stahr GmbH - Treasury Consulting. New Loans in a Period Especially Accounting needs to have periodically the info about all new loans agreed in a specific period. But also internal- and external Audit may use this information for their audit process. New FX Deals in a Period Same as for the loans, this report monitors all new foreign exchange agreements made in a specific period. Account Ledger for external Accounts Some Companies need several days or weeks to monitor account balances in their ERP reporting system. Treasury operates always with the utmost actual numbers and this account ledger allows the Treasurer or any other interested person to review the daily balances of the bank accounts fast and simple. On top, a quick chart-analysis for the selected account is also possible. Source of the account balances is menu Transactions - > Account Balances. All information may be automatically uploaded from external sources. 1. Select the account to be reported, 2. select the relevant date order, i.e. by booking date or by value date, 3. select the kind of report, i.e. as a ledger or as a chart. Fields: 1. Account Balance for: Internal company which is the owner of the account, incl. full address. 2. Bank: Bank, at which the account is held. In case of a inhouse-bank approach this bank can be also internally. 3. Account: General account description. In case of a pool account this will be mentioned extra. 4. Balances: All balances per day in ascending order by - booking date (if “By Booking Date” was selected) - value date (if “By Value Date” was selected) - balance (in the currency of the account) Chart: The same basic information like in the ledger format is also available in the chart report. The difference is that in this report the numbers are displayed as a graphical chart. In case “By Booking Date” is previously selected, the dates are only booking dates. Corresponding the selction “By Value Date” only value dates are relevant. Interesting information actually is if the user opens two reports at the same time, one per booking date and one per value date. The difference of those two is perfectly monitored. FX Rate Charts Charts for FX-Rates can bei reviewed at multiple sources in the web. But the specific FX-Rate for the group rates might be different. Therefore Stahr Treasury Software (STS) has integrated a report to monitor the internal rates in a chart. Select the desired currency and the period to be monitored and click on “Execute”. Note: only rates which are related to rate type “Balance Sheet, Actual”, to be uploaded in the menu Standing Data -> FX Rates -> Type of Exchange Rates, are subject of the chart.