Stahr Treasury Software Help Standing Data - Menu PERSONS
Every business has involved multiple persons. Those may be external or  internal. This menu is responsible to file all kind of relevant information  for all kind of persons. In later transactions this infomation does not need  to be entered a second time. Instead, wherever appropriate, a drop-  down list will appear with the entries made in this menu.  If you have questions regarding the navigation, please click here.  Fields: Salut./Titel: Please choose Mr or Ms in the drop-down. Optional, given selections.  Titel: Here you can mention optional the academic titel.  Optional, given selections.  Function: Function of the person in the company or bank.  Optional, free text.  First Name: First Name. Mandatory, free text.  Surname: Surname. Mandatory, free text.  Company: The company need to be entered first in the menu Standing Data -> Companies. Afterwards it is part of the list in the drop-down. This  links a person fix with the company he is related to. Optional, pre-entered content.  Open (Company): The selected company may be directly opened in the menu Standand Data -> Companies. In case there is no company selected,  you will be forwarded to the menu Standing Data -> Companies  to the first record. There you may now directly enter a new company. After having  entered a new company, you need to close the menu “Accounts” and re-open ist that the new company is listed in the drop-down.  Financeinstitut.: Analog the field “Company” above. Source is menu Standing-Data -> Banks. Optional, pre-entered content.  Open (Financeinstitute): The selected bank may be directly opened in the menu Standand Data -> Banks. In case there is no bank selected, you  will be forwarded to the menu Standing Data -> Banks  to the first record. There you may now directly enter a new bank. After having entered a new  bank, you need to close the menu “Persons” and re-open it that the new bank is listed in the drop-down.  Dept.: Department of the person. Optional, free text.  Phone Business: Business Phone Number. Optional, free text.  Phone Mob.: Mobile Phone Number. Optional, free text.  Fax: Fax Number. Optional, free text. E-Mail: E-Mail. Optional, free text.  Web: Web-Address. Optional, free text. Remarks: Free text for any remarks. Optional, free text.